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Tag: Toirano

Pansoti stuffed with potatoes and green beans and Pesto Fresco

A tasty take on the classic Ligurian pansoti, which includes potatoes and green beans in the filling instead of ricotta and borage, seasoned with our magnificent Pesto Fresco Genovese.Chef Gian Luca Cellerino of Ristocaffè Il Ponte has elaborated and cooked them for us. Here is the recipe! New recipe with our Pesto Fresco processed and...

Brandacujun of Ligurian tradition

A typical dish of the Riviera Ligure di Ponente, Brandacujun is a delicacy of our gastronomic tradition. Do you know it? Read our news to learn some interesting facts! Dear friend or friend of Pesto Fresco, in our news this week we talk about another delicious dish of our Ligurian gastronomic tradition: the Brandacujun. It...

Penne with trombette zucchini and drops of Pesto Fresco alla Genovese

Dear Pesto Friends, This week we bring you a recipe from Chef Gian Luca Cellerino of Ristocaffé Il Ponte in Toirano (Savona). This is a recipe made with our very simple Pesto Fresco that brings all the flavor of Liguria to your tables. We used only local raw materials, except for the pasta, from Gragnano...

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