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Borage and Ligurian cuisine

Borage and Ligurian cuisine

Borage is a plant that grows wild and is a very versatile ingredient in our traditional Ligurian cuisine.

In addition to basil, the basis for the magnificent Pesto Genovese, and other herbs, other ingredients make traditional Ligurian cuisine great, such as borage.
It has eastern origins, but today it is cultivated in all temperate areas of the world, whether in plains or hills.
It grows wild in Liguria and can be cultivated like herbs.
It has oval leaves covered with a thin whitish down and blue flowers with five petals that together form a star.

Borage in cooking

Borage is ideal for flavoring pasta dishes, soups and omelets, but also as a side dish.
Tasty minestrone , fillings for ravioli and our pansoti, savory pies, risottos and imaginative omelets. Borage is a versatile plant that lends itself to many types of recipes.
Even the beautiful flowers of this virtuous plant can be used , to embellish our dishes.
After carefully selecting and washing the leaves, the borage is boiled, with a fairly short cooking time. After bringing lightly salted water to a boil, introduce the borage and cook no more than 5 minutes.
For a very simple, but really great use, after boiling the leaves, drain and squeeze them and then season with Ligurian extra virgin olive oil, salt and a few drops of lemon. You can season with pan-roasted pine nuts and raisins.

Origins of the name borage

The name of this delightful plant comes from the Latin “borra,” rough woollen fabric, because of the down that covers the leaves.
According to other theories, however, it derives from the Arabic “abu araq,” father of sweat, through medieval Latin “borrago”.According to other theories, it comes from the Celtic “borrach,” meaning “courage.”

Curiosities about borage

According to tradition, wine enriched with the flowers and leaves of borage was used by ancient peoples, from the ancient Romans as well as the Celts to the Greeks, for its ability to instill serenity, good humor and courage.
Borage is also used as a natural dye.
What about the flowers? Frozen, they can also be used to create fun blue ice cubes, sure to make an impact when added to summer drinks. They can also be used to add a splash of color to salads or candied, to decorate cakes.

Dear Friends of Pesto Fresco, consider this plant if you plan to have a nice Ligurian dinner, perhaps with a first course topped with our Pesto Fresco Genovese and a light borage second course.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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