Here is chef Gian Luca Cellerino ‘s recipe for your Lasagna al Pesto Fresco Genovese
If you are still undecided about your Christmas lunch menu, a good idea might be to prepare a dish from our Ligurian tradition: Lasagna al Pesto Genovese.
This is a very special recipe, combining the all-Italian tradition of fresh egg pasta with the typically Ligurian flavor of Pesto alla Genovese.
To give it a velvety touch and make everything creamier, it is also essential to combine the Béchamel Sauceas well .
It is therefore a rather laborious preparation, but its flavor will repay you handsomely and your guests will shower you with compliments.
For starters, we’ll help you!
Our Pesto Fresco Geno vese is also great for making Pesto Genovese Lasagna. So read Chef Gian Luca Cellerino ‘s recipe and get to work!
Ingredients to prepare Lasagna with Pesto Genovese for 6 people
2 jars of Pesto Fresco alla Genovese, 170g each
For fresh pasta
00 flour 200 g
2 medium eggs
For the Béchamel Sauce
Butter 100g
Flour 80g
Milk 1l
Salt qb
Grated nutmeg qb
Other ingredients
Potatoes 2 medium
Green beans a handful
Grana Padano cheese to taste
Prepare the dough
Pour the cratered flour onto the pastry board and add the eggs,
Mix the ingredients with a fork, incorporating the flour and eggs a little at a time.
Knead the dough with your hands for at least 15 minutes. You will get a smooth, homogeneous mixture.
Make a loaf, wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
Make the Béchamel Sauce
Put a small saucepan with butter on the stove. Once melted, add all the flour and stir until it forms a creamy mixture (Roux). Let cool.
Separately, boil the milk with 3 pinches of salt and nutmeg. When it comes to a boil, move from the flame and add the Roux. Mix while stirring with a whisk and return to a gentle heat for at least 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat. While waiting to use it, the chef recommends putting plastic wrap in contact with the mixture. In this way, you will prevent a crust from forming on the Béchamel Sauce.
Prepare the vegetables
Boil potatoes and green beans separately.
Assembling Lasagna with Pesto Genovese
Take the dough ball from the refrigerator and roll it out with a rolling pin on the floured pastry board.
Divide it into 4 parts and run it through the Rolling Machine to the second-to-last click (no further, otherwise it will be too thin).
Your lasagna pasta is ready!
In a pan spread a layer of Salsa Besciamella, on top of which arrange a few sheets of lasagna noodles. Follow this with a layer of Pesto Fresco alla Genovese, Salsa Besciamella, potatoes, green beans and grated Grana Padano cheese. Continue this way until all ingredients are used up.
Finish with a generous sprinkling of Grana Padano cheese.
Bake and cook for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180°.
Your Pesto Fresco Genovese lasagna is ready. Enjoy!