Dear Friends of Pesto Fresco, today we would like to tell you about a beautiful event that will be held on Saturday, September 15 and Sunday, September 16 in Pietra Ligure (Savona): Dolcissima Pietra.
It is an event that over the years has become a highly anticipated event that marks the end of summer and the beginning of fall, with the return of chocolate, which is known to go on summer vacation.
This year’s event will once again involve the entire historic center of Pietra Ligure, which, with its streets, carruggi and squares and will be divided into different exhibition areas and events.
There will be exhibition areas, a delightful Art of Confectionery contest that pits professional and aspiring pastry chefs against each other, numerous events, tastings, cooking classes, thematic meetings, an apericena involving bars and restaurants in the historic center that will offer a dish in which cocoa or chocolate is among the ingredients, entertainment for children and lots of music.
For the program of Dolcissima Pietra we refer you to the event website
We would like to focus today on an event organized as part of the event, “SWEET BUT NOT TOO MUCH,” involving Paola Richero and Paola Salgarelli both nutritionist biologists, specializing in Food Science who practice their profession, each in their hometowns (Loano and Vicenza): every day they help their patients regain their well-being by recommending healthy eating and appropriate physical activity.
Paola Richero and Paola Salgarelli share a passion for cooking and their working method, based onnutrition education. That is why they opened a beautiful blog, “2 nutritionists in the kitchen,” where you can find healthy recipes that do not penalize taste, to help us achieve mental and physical well-being also through well-cooked dishes, rich in flavor, but low in calories. For the 2 nutritionists, in the kitchen it is essential to know the nutritional properties of foods, the seasonality of foods, without losing sight of adequate calorie intake, the correct use of fats and the best cooking methods.
According to the FIRST REPORT ON THE FOOD HABITS OF ITALIANS (Censis), 37% of Italians describe their relationship with food with the phrase I’d like to eat healthier but I can’t; nearly 33% say they follow a healthy diet because food is among the important factors for health. For 51 percent of respondents, the Web is the primary source of information about food. More than ever we need to pay attention to healthy and propernutrition, avoiding all the fake news and false myths about it. Precise rules and advice appropriate for everyone because our well-being comes above all through what we eat.
So on Sunday 16, don’t miss the showcooking “Sweet but not too sweet” in which the 2 nutritionists in the kitchen will prepare a dessert low in sugar and calories! In the meantime, they will talk about healthy eating and how it is possible to adapt some recipes in a healthier way without losing their good taste, in short to show that it is possible to cook light but with taste!
We will be there and take notes, even for those who cannot be there!
Have a great week friends!