On March 3, as part of the beautiful Trail del Marchesato competitive race in Finalborgo, our Pesto Fresco will be the star of the Pasta Party.
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HERE WE GO, as a sponsor of the impressive competitive charity event Trail del Marchesato, which takes place tomorrow, March 3, in Finalborgo on a part of the Ermano Fossati Permanent Trail, Pesto Fresco will be the star of the Pasta Party.
Why the Marquisate Trail.
The Trail del Marchesato was conceived, organized and strongly desired by the “Cavrones” of ASD Trailrunners Finale Ligure, mainly to pay tribute to the memory of Ermano Fossati.(Click here to read our previous article.)
Ermanno Fossati, a person of great sensitivity and beloved throughout the district, was an Expert Foreman of the Finale Ligure Fire Department Detachment.
He died prematurely in 2010 while on duty on the Melogno Pass.
Pasta Party and Fresh Pesto
We are especially proud to be featured in the Pasta Party with our Pesto Fresco and will have great “lunch buddies” in Finalborgo!
In fact, the entire lunch of the event will focus on the philosophy of Km 0 and the traditions of the Ligurian territory, with Fresh Pesto, Cima e Panissa (if you would like to learn more about these typical Ligurian dishes, click on their respective names and read our dedicated news!).
This is an event that we embraced with real pleasure, because we appreciate the spirit of the event: a time of healthy competition and aggregation both for charity and to experience and share the wonderful area of the Finale area, recognized as the Outdoor Capital of the World.
In this spirit, there are no medals for finishers, but cold beers for all athletes.
Instead, there will be 30 raffle prizes and the installation of Pompieropoli, an entertainment reality for children designed and operated by the Fire Department in the Head Gate Square in Finalborgo.”
The Fire Department and all rescue associations in our area will be present to make this challenging but evocative competition safe.
Trail of the Marchesato, a charity event
We would like to remind everyone that the proceeds from the Finalborgo Marquis Trail will be completely donated to two important non-profit organizations in the Ligurian territory: Find the Cure Italia and Bastapoco.
Find the Cure Italia Onlus, based in Ceriale, Savona, Italy, is a nonprofit international cooperation association that develops and carries out projects in low-development areas.
Bastapoco Onlus, based in Albenga, Savona, Italy, is a volunteer association that offers concrete support to people with advanced cancer diseases and their families.
Marchesato Trail Sponsors interviewed by the Rock & Rose team
A tidbit: tomorrow the sponsors of the Trail del Marchesato, which has been given great visibility (thank you!), we will be present in Finalborgo and will be interviewed live on Facebook by the team Rock & Rose, two Ligurian bloggers committed to telling the story of our area and the people who work to make it more beautiful.
And we will be there!
(To get more in-depth information about the event or download the program for this beautiful event www.traildelmarchesato.it)